What is “ The Oath ”? The Oath is a method that I’ve been trying to practice for almost a year, it is a stance where I try not to showcase my anger or frustrations with others when I am put in uncomfortable situations. The Oath is the act of self-discipline where I don’t have to respond to others in the same fashion that they are towards me whether they like it or not, just because they are yelling and screaming at me doesn't mean that I have to do the same as well. The Oath is the willingness to not say the first thing on my mind whether it’s negative or not, the delay in my approach to others stems from me trying to have the right response to whatever is said to me. The Oath is the ultimate test that I had set for myself as a personal goal when it comes to my patience, not that I'm an impatient person but it helps me restrain myself from those that'll say insensitive things whether it's intentional or not. The Oath refrains me from reacting to whatever negative thou...
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