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INCOMPLETE: thursdays are the worst days

   Thursdays are usually my unluckiest day of the week, and it’s not superstition... it’s a fact.  The passing of my father landed on a Thursday, same with Michael Jackson, Prince and Aretha Franklin.  Every break-up I’ve ever had landed on a Thursdays, same with any form of bad news is usually delivered on a Thursday.  Oh, and I forgot to mention.  I was born on a Thursday, how unlucky is that?


- This was actually written on 9/26/19, the same day I started posting on this blog for the very first time.  Same time as "opening track", "The Oath", "contemporary weight", etc.

- This was written weeks after our split and I became bitter with myself, I stopped myself from continuing this behavior and told myself that I would not speak this self-destructively ever again (or out of anger).  I refused to first this or to look at it again, but I'm revealing today my worst.

- The title is a play from a Biggie Smalls lyric from his classic "Juicy" where he says: "Birthday was the worst days"

- This was written on a Thursday and posted on a Thursday 4 months later.
