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link: tiresome times

   Good afternoon cross watcher!  How's this April Fools treating you?  Nothing funny right?  Watch a comedy, hopefully that’ll cheer you up.  I hope you’re good and as well as the people you care about, I hope everyone is safe and staying indoors as well.  Me?  Let’s not talk about me right now, I’m not ready for that JUST yet but soon!  For the most part, I’m fine.  Mentally.. we’ll get there.  I bet you’re wondering about the last somewhat confusing entry, and this is the truth.

  It was extremely difficult for me to write and finish “nest”, let me rephrase that… it’s extremely difficult to write about my mother. I think I had an easier time with “lavender tears” because I wrote about that right after it happened (still feel bad for that one), I also wasn’t trying to speak poorly of her and that was my biggest fear about writing it because I didn’t want anybody to think that. I got the name from seeing a bird pick up twigs for a nest while I was at work one day as I was thinking of a title for the entry, it was also the name of a unit I had got her back in the fall so she could control the temperature from her bed.  I was hoping for it to be done last week but writer's block came at the worst time, I know the entries have been less and less lately and I apologize for that.  It's not that I'm losing motivation to write but I don't know how to keep it interesting right now, I want to make better entries but those take time.

   I recently posted on Instagram that I was hoping for something magnificent to happen for us sometime this month since March was such a roller coaster for us, I’m trying to stay positive for those who are losing their minds.  I wish there was more I could say to calm everyone’s nerves at this time and to make everyone feel that everything will be alright, it feels like my efforts have been unsuccessful (or not acknowledged).  I say that because a girl that I know actually has the virus and I’ve been giving her the same words of wisdom as I would for the next person that wouldn’t think twice of it, the only difference is that she’s appreciative of my encouraging words because I’m not making her feel like she’s doomed.  Something that works for one person doesn’t have to work for everybody else, I wish for her to have a speedy recovery.  Until we link again, stay indoors.  Oh yeah, the photo for “nest” was a test shot for the cover of “as the crow flies”.  Take care.
