Every Labor Day my best friend and I take a yearly rendezvous to Las Vegas, a tradition we’ve been doing for 6 years and this would be our 7th. I secretly had plans for us during this upcoming trip, I was hoping we would return home as a couple. She bought tickets for a show for us to watch, I knew this was going to be a new change for us so I was really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, an incident occurred between us that put our entire friendship in a standstill, which caused my best friend to cancel on going to the trip 4 days before we were supposed to leave. My attempts to fix things before the trip was unsuccessful, so I gave my mom a warning the day before the trip saying that I might be going alone. She offered to take me to the airport in the morning so I could catch a flight over there, she didn’t want me to waste my money so it was the least she could do.
It was around 3:30 in the morning when my mother woke me up and told me to get ready to go, still feeling lost and defeated I was still thankful she was open to dropping me off at the airport. But once we started driving, my mom made a right turn then activated the GPS on her phone and it said: “STARTING ROUTE TO LAS VEGAS, NEVADA”. She was going to take me all the way there, she apparently had packed her bag while I was sleeping. She had not been back to Las Vegas since she was with her ex-fiancé at least 10 years prior, so she was about to witness how much Vegas had changed since then. I know she was doing this because she didn’t want to see me upset, but I wanted to make this trip about her. When we got to Vegas I let her stay in the bed my best friend and I were supposed to sleep on while I crashed on the foldout couch next to the balcony window with the view of the airport, that was how much I wanted to take care of her. I took her to all of our favorites spots (which is mostly food), from our favorite steak spot to our favorite buffet. I even took her to our favorite pinball place, she didn’t like that place too much because it was really noisy. It was my first time being in another state with my mother, and it was unexpectedly one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I hardly made her pay for anything during that trip, I really treated her like a queen because she’s a queen every day anyway and really should be treated her as such.
To this day, I don’t know how to properly thank my mother for what she did. I’m not sure she really knows how much I appreciated what she did, this made me see her in a different light. Throughout my life she has always done some amazing things for me, but she’s never gone above and beyond like this before. I know she’d rather show it than say her love for me, and this is a prime example of that. Even though I was extremely depressed during this vacation, taking care of my mom was my absolute favorite part because it was the best distraction (if you want to even call it that). She’s always taking care of us at home and hardly ever asks for anything in return, so this was my way of pampering her. Knowing that I did that really puts a smile on my face, because this was a trip neither of us would ever forget.
Regarding the title, “close call” is the name of the final track from French band Justice’s 3rd album entitled “WOMAN”. I visualize the cactuses and dirt road on the way to Vegas during the sunrise every time I hear this song, also the title refers to how close the trip almost didn’t happen if it wasn’t for my mom. Double entendres, am I right? The original title for this was “lifesaver” because she saved the trip and it’s one of her favorite candies.
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