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   I mentioned a short while ago (in “verification pitch”) that I was going to propose to someone special to me for us to be official, because I figured it was time for us to be something more than what we already were.  Maybe I should clarify that a little more just so you could have a clearer picture on why I said that.

   2012 was a pretty troubling year for me, I’d say a good 80% of it did not go in my favor.  I was having problems at work, problems with people I thought were my friends, problems with my family, and problems with the person I cared for the most.  The bickering between us just never seemed to end throughout the year, there were a few moments I thought we were really doomed.  One day, a manager pulled me into the office and saw that I was having a hard time at life and suggested I take a vacation, “Go to Las Vegas, somewhere away from Los Angeles!”  I called her up and had us book a trip to Vegas 3 weeks later, it really turned into a blessing in disguise.  And every Labor Day since then we’ve taken a trip to Las Vegas to get away from the drama back home and to come back to Los Angeles anew.  I saw some part of her was probably thinking that these trips might be repetitive to say the least, but I thought about us being something new that we’ve never really discussed before… to be official.

   My original plan was to see if she wanted to spend our anniversaries together as a getaway, either in Las Vegas (which is where I had originally planned to ask her) or maybe to go somewhere else new for our Labor Day escapes.  I know we’ve been trying to go to Hawaii again, or maybe somewhere else?  But in terms of Las Vegas, we always have a blast there so I couldn’t picture it being fun without her.  I wanted something new to celebrate, so I thought about the celebration for two people that genuinely care for one another.  I’ve never had an anniversary with a girlfriend before, so I always wondered how it would be like (I just wondered if she felt the same way).  I wasn’t thinking about marriage or to have a family or nothing crazy like that, but we weren’t getting any younger and I couldn’t see myself with anybody else.  I wonder if that’s a pipe dream now....?

"Do you know what today is?" - TTT
