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Showing posts from December, 2021

[open letter]

  12/21 - [THIS IS LENGTHY SO KEEP SCROLLING IF THIS IS TOO LONG FOR YOU] [open letter] I’m writing this today because I don’t want to start the new year without getting this off my chest. If there’s one thing I sincerely regret doing this year is not opening up to those whose words or actions have hurt me, it’s easy to respond to people who have upset us or made us angry but for the life of me, I can’t bring myself to let others know that they let me down. And because of that, in return, it affects my mentals and my well-being for the sake of theirs. One issue that I’ve had is when others don’t want to take account or responsibility for what they say and if I do express my feelings on what was said it’ll more than often land on deaf ears or they’ll treat me differently (as if I’m too sensitive). I know as a man I’m not supposed to “showcase emotions” or “act like things bother me” and that’s not what I’m saying today, it’s the lack of seeing another person’s perspective and unders...

un baile

  One of my favorite songs of the year describes the singer wanting to embrace another person’s grace with a slow dance (that’s actually the name of the song too), when I first sat down to hear the song I thought about how the singer spoke about the moment was magical thinking to myself how I never really done something like that.  Coincidentally, I had this when I was listening to another song by another artist talking about not wanting to leave the girl he was stuck on and I somehow thought that this would be a good song to slow dance to (with her).  It was an odd fantasy to have but it was one I knew it was one I would adore, only problem was I wasn't too sure how she would feel about it.  About three weeks after I had that idea in my head I was shooting the concert for one of our favorite singers, and as soon as that song I thought us slow dancing to came on I ran up to find her so I could make this vision a reality.  As soon as I arrived she wasn't there (s...