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full house

   I actually spoke about this topic before, but I wanted to retouch on it again if you don’t mind.  The reason why I’m choosing to tell the story again is to hopefully have a little more clarity on this situation by revisiting it, because it really doesn’t make sense in the first place. The relationship between me and my best friends family have never really been spot on, especially with her oldest brother.. I was never fond of his “money rules everything” attitude, it was as if I had to be beneath him whenever we spoke.  For a good seven years we didn’t see eye to eye to one another about anything, we even got into a fistfight but that’s for another story at another time.  It wasn’t until their grandmother’s funeral when he saw the other side of me, mainly due to the fact that I was there to help his mother and that had changed his perspective for a while.  A couple years went by and things are still minimal to say the least, he became a parent of two but the information that my best friend had told me about him made his presence seem like a black sheep.  Even then I kept my distance from him because we never really sat down to establish anything among us (ever), I was used to it for this long why would I change it now?  Especially since I know how his character is from the beginning and I wasn’t going to take no chances of being disappointed, I’m not bad-mouthing him but I’m saying how I felt about it.

   It was on the 6th of May where my best friend was getting a new do for her hair from our stylist, and just so happen her mother was getting her haircut by her as well.  Her brother had reminded her to invite me to his little get together at their house that following Friday, which to us was very random and out of character.  I already had it in my heart that I wasn’t going to attend because I was uncomfortable with his character, and it hasn’t changed for years.  She already had it in her mind that I wouldn’t attend so she told him that I did not want to attend his shindig because I wasn’t comfortable with him, and rather than trying to see what the problem is within hisself.. he took it out on me.  Stating: “Well!! If he don’t like me then tell him not to ever speak to me whenever he comes to this house”.  The intensity went from 0 to 100 just like that, and I wasn’t trying to start a war or offend him (neither was she) but his response was a clear indication of why I didn’t want to attend anything of his.  His response destroyed her evening, she walked up to our stylist teary-eyed and had no room for conversation.  When she finally told me what went down later that evening I wasn’t surprised yet I was more disappointed not with what he said but with how he reversed it to make it seem like I was the problem, and to be honest I haven’t been at that house ever since.  Not because of him per se but the logic behind that didn't make sense, but like I stated earlier... I’m not bad-mouthing him but I’m saying how I felt about it.

   When I think about it today, I’m still baffled by the logic behind what he said.  I’m saying that because I know I’m not perfect and not everyone thinks like me, but to dislike someone because they don’t like you is a very high school way of thinking.. maybe even middle school.  It’s a very narcissistic way of thinking where you have to think like that, you can’t fix the problem if you refuse the fix yourself.  Maybe I don’t think like everybody else and I’d like to at least address the issue with them to see what can be done rather than being done with them right off the bat, because in a case like this I know he probably didn’t learn his lesson which really proves my point about him.  Because I know if I made someone feel a certain way I would see why and then see how I could fix it within myself so an issue like this would never happen again with them or anybody else, but I can’t speak for anybody else and only for myself on that one.  I know I probably don’t have to deal with him ever again, but the idea of that mentality still bothers me to this day .  I hope that one day we all can really mature and grow as people, because life is too short to feel a certain way forever.  It takes more energy to hate/hurt someone than to love them, but for the last time..  I’m not bad-mouthing him but that’s how I feel about it.
