When I think about my life today and all the misfortunes that I’ve had to come across as I was rebuilding my life up to this point, I couldn’t really think of a story to bring to the table to showcase as my yearly “Robin’s Reckoning” that I usually post every May. The closest story I could think of as a “Robin’s Reckoning” entry is “one or eight” which was posted earlier in January, if I held on to that story until now it would’ve been a perfect story to share this time around but I was so heartbroken that I wanted to get it out of my system immediately (which still affects me to this day). I have decided to release a story that I shelved last year because I thought it was spoken too harshly but it bugged me that I never released it called “cupid’s misfire”, but if I held on to “one or eight” until now then “cupid’s misfire” would’ve probably never been released. This box will be open on Mother’s Day, please excuse the delay. I know this is long overdue and I apologize for that, as cruel as it is to tell this kind of story on Mother's Day it would make the most sense for me to do that.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! ... you weren't supposed to find this...
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