(The following story is uncomfortable for me to discuss, it talks about the current happening in our country as we speak as well as a personal matter regarding a family member. Please excuse any discomfort you might feel as I am going to open up about someone else’s past, thank you).
We all saw the video, we all felt the shock and angst that the footage brought to our hearts. I knew there was going to be an outcry for justice following the video going viral but I didn’t think it was going to be this chaotic, and I for one can’t blame them for this happening. It just seems like video after video after video nothing was being done and everyone just got fed up with it by taking matters into their own hands, the demand for justice was so strong that they had to issue a curfew in our city to keep things in order (many followed, many didn’t). Between the looting, rubber bullets against protesters, burning down of businesses, and people being run over by cars, it’s very easy to not only feel your blood boiling over the situation but also to become overwhelmed knowing that this is really happening in our world right now. It’s bad enough knowing that we’re facing a worldwide pandemic
- Written on 6/1/20,
- Decided not to finish this because I refused to write out of my emotions.
- This entry was going to explain my silence during this difficult time (and to reveal a loved one's traumatic past).
- Prelude to "tired"
- The first letters paid homage to the person that changed the world.
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