After I got word that many businesses were affected by the pandemic and were forced to work from home or stopped working altogether, I got in contact with an old friend who worked at an office at a school that had to be shut down for the time being. She hadn’t been working for a few weeks and her future seemed sketchy at the time, plus she revealed that she was going through a difficult time getting over a breakup. I thought this was a welfare check but turned out me getting in contact with her was a blessing in disguise because she was very depressed that day, throughout the week I remained in contact with her to lift her spirits and it seemed to work. Thankfully she got her job back (working from home) and I was able to have deep conversations with her to stop her from being angry at her ex-boyfriend, things were looking better for her and I was glad to be there for her during this trivial time in her life. If this sounds bland, this is where it’s going to interesting.
During the same night as the worst show that I shot last year, my friend forgot where she parked so my best friend, a few friends, and I walked with her as we backtracked through the heart of DTLA. It wasn’t until 3 to 4 months later where Person B of the few friends that walked with us told me that Person A went on a date with my friend, even though it was none of my business and they could do what they wanted but it was literally like a day or two after they met for the first time. I knew for sure that she didn’t give them her number so he had to have gone through my social media accounts to find her and got in contact with her, I was a little disturbed by the news but it was none of my business. It wasn’t until one night where she wanted to open up about him and why it failed, the more she opened up about him the more embarrassed I was about his character towards her. I wasn’t in the mood to defend him but when you do questionable things towards my friends it makes me look bad at well, I apologized for his actions towards her because I wasn’t prepared to hear the things she was saying. I contacted Person B to fill in the holes in the story about Person A that I couldn’t answer, as soon as I started to put the pieces together I became more disappointed by what I concluded. This was a private conversation between us and I had not been in contact with Person A since we left that show last year if he reached out to her and not to me you could tell where his head was at. That’s why I didn’t fully consider a proper reconciliation with Person A, especially after hearing that. Even though I got to hear from my friend and from Person B about Person A’s characteristics, I thought the damage had been done… until a week or two later.
One morning, my friend texts me a little earlier than usual saying that she got a mysterious DM in her inbox. I was thinking it was from her ex or my friend trying to bug her per usual, but come to find out it was from Person B. Why he randomly reached out to her is something I’m not too sure of, I know we spoke about it before because I told him to introduce himself as he was one of the friends that helped her look for her car. Then when she told me that he messaged her at 1 in the morning I couldn’t explain that one to her at all, why he did was something I wasn’t sure of and didn’t want to know. I wasn’t upset with him about it but I wish his timing was better because guys have messaged her numerous times during the late hours into the night and for someone I know to message her that late is something I can’t defend, I knew he meant well but that was a hard one. Between my friends, her ex-boyfriend, and another guy that’s trying very hard to get her attention, she can’t seem to get a break. She’s just a butterfly who lost her wings that’s trying to metamorph herself inside her cocoon again, this is something we had been talking about for a month. I myself am not trying to get romantically involved with her but I’m thankful that she trusts me because she knows I’m trying to help her, as I would for anyone else. There are 2 butterflies that I know in my life right now and there’s something about them drives men crazy, not sure what it is but it works.
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