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interlude: the mirror check

1.   I am not a failure BECAUSE I have the ability to make people laugh when they feel at their lowest.

2.   I am not a failure BECAUSE I don’t immediately turn people down no matter how much they’ve disappointed me in the past.

3.   I am not a failure BECAUSE I try to make someone smile at least once a day.

4.   I am not a failure BECAUSE my knowledge of trivia music, movies, and gaming is impressive to others, and with that, I stay hungry for more every day.

5.   I am not a failure BECAUSE I am not a quitter.

6.   I am not a failure BECAUSE I have the ability to listen to someone’s story without having an immediate bias, I’m not quick to judge because I want to give the speaker a solid answer at the end.

7.   I am not a failure BECAUSE I try to be reliable and to be as present as possible me to those who reach out to me.

8.   I am not a failure BECAUSE I have a high tolerance for uncomfortable situations until I throw in the towel.

9.   I am not a failure BECAUSE I do not have any real enemies (just people I had falling outs with).

10. I am not a failure BECAUSE I don’t hate anybody.

11.  I am not a failure BECAUSE I try to love everybody.

12.  I am not a failure BECAUSE I have the ability to wow everyone to steps into my life at least once.

13.  I am not a failure BECAUSE I leave a strong impression on every person I come across.

14.  I am not a failure BECAUSE I stay in my own lane when it comes to my creativity.

15.  I am not a failure BECAUSE I can put up a good fight in any challenge I’m put into.

16.  I am not a failure BECAUSE I’m not trying to be the next anybody, I’m trying to better the person I was yesterday every day.

17.  I am not a failure BECAUSE my photography can make jaws drop, whether I want to admit it or not.

18.  I am not a failure BECAUSE I try to make my parents proud with every move I do (I’m not perfect and I make mistakes but I try).

19.  I am not a failure BECAUSE I don’t succumb to peer pressure easily.

20.  I am not a failure BECAUSE I’m not perfect, and that’s okay.
