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the bow tie story

  The first 2 weeks in March of 2015 was a memorable time for my best friend and I because not only were we exposed to something that impacted us but we also did something that made an impact on others in return, it gave us both a chance to explore two different kinds of “firsts” that made a huge impression on everyone. When the album of a new band that we both fell in love with dropped in stores, the album release concert followed the next day. Unfortunately, my best friend couldn't attend that show because she was heavy in the books studying for an upcoming test that required her full attention. The show was “So Good” that I had to FaceTime the event for her because I didn't want to experience it alone and I didn't want her to miss her favorite songs from that album, the people around me adored what I was doing for her so much that it caught the bands attention as well. It left a huge impression on my best friend and I leaving the both of us extremely excited, it was on the way home where I came up with a crazy idea. One that she immediately didn't want to agree to but it changed the way everybody saw us altogether, one insane idea that left a bigger imprint than we thought.

  The same band were scheduled to make an appearance at our favorite record store the following week and I for sure did not want her to miss this one but at the same time I wanted for her to make an impression on them so they understood how much of an impact their music made on her, so I told my best friend: "Wouldn't it be funny if you came to there appearance in a tuxedo?" We laughed about it then I thought it was brilliant at the same time, I tried to talk her into it and she wouldn't budge so much so that she cried saying she didn't want to do it so I let it go. Deep down I knew this was going to work so I secretly went to the tux rental shop and got my own measurements so I could get it for her, at first she was angry about it but when she saw it for herself she understood why I was so adamant about it. When the day came for us to meet them, the staff at the record store dropped jaws when they saw a woman in a tuxedo because it was rarely seen. It was met with much acclaim and praise that we went that far for them, the band themselves were shocked by our lengths that it was appreciated by them. No photos were allowed with the band after their performance, except for her. It made that much of an impact, bigger than we could’ve ever anticipated.

  When I think about that moment today, I was thankful that I trusted my gut on this opportunity. Pressuring her into something she didn't want to do was wrong and I knew that but at the same time I knew that it was a once in a lifetime moment, we did this again 2 years later when the next album was released and everybody was happy to see her return in the tuxedo which made me feel good about doing it in the first place. The biggest reward out of all this was not seeing how would react to her looking formal like that but it was for her, she saw herself in a brand new light. She understood how the power of a tuxedo could make a person's presence change, I could tell it gave her a sense of confidence by that happening. That happened 5 years ago today, it was a moment none of us would ever forget. I guess you could say… it happened at “The Right Time”.
