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link: tumbling times

   Good evening cross watcher!  A little late right?  I hate this phrase but “better late than never right?”  I hope you’re safe, I hope you’re indoors and I wish I had more to say but I’m not feeling it today.  But I do want to talk about this real quick…

   I revived “The Hardest March” because it was written from my father’s side of the family not responding to me reaching out to them after my grandmother’s passing, this included my father at the time as well.  Coincidentally, it also came to play after a couple of people complained about being stuck in quarantine but wouldn’t respond to me reaching out to them.  See the similarities?  I went on a venting spree on Twitter but I purposely left that one out because I didn’t want people to think I was being unrealistic but you can’t complain about being lonely and still post about being bored AFTER I try to check up on you, they were being selective on their end and that’s not right.  Years ago after posting “The Hardest March” I was asking myself if I was being too hard on my family members because they were hurting as well since they had a deeper connection with my grandmother than I did, that all changed when they did the same thing after my father died giving the same speech.  I see this as the same thing more or less, it’s okay.

   Since we last spoke, I had been feeling a little emotionally and spiritually broken.  As much as I have no problem helping other people at this time it’s starting to be taxing on me, I have to find my own inspirations to keep my day going as well.  I’ve been keeping to myself a lot more since I came back from that unsuccessful trip… you know what.. I’m going to end this early.  I’ve been drained and I don’t want to drag on this dwell that’ll go nowhere.  Kinda losing a spark right, we’ll try this again later this week.  Until we link up again… the weight of the world is bringing me down.  No photo today, unless you want to see the palm trees.  I just posted this on my Instagram, so enjoy = 
