I recently discussed my history with the 3 magical words “I Love You”, but I have a more familiar history with 2 other magical words that are just as hard to say for some people.. and that’s “I’m sorry”. Apologies are something that I take seriously because I’m not one to really fall back on a habit after I say it, I wish I could say the same for others because I take those words to heart. I say that because I’ve been disappointed and even betrayed by people that I’ve trusted who have apologized to me only to do something foolish right after, it makes me question if their apologies are just for the moment and not a transition for their behavior. Either way, it doesn’t mean that I can’t be truthful to my word.
I’m thankful not to be one of those people who’s ego is too proud right my wrongs, entitlement doesn’t get you far especially if you know the other party didn’t deserve to be hurt. Because I know for me hurting and disappointing others emotionally destroys me, the idea that I let someone down bothers me to no end. I have a difficult time saying those 3 magic words, I am brave enough to say the other 2 magic words as a matter of fact. Even though I verbally said it to a particular somebody about a particular situation before, let me say it again as if they were reading this.
I’m sorry that things turned out the way they did, because I wish we were still speaking today to work things out. I’m sorry that things got out of hand between you and I, neither of us shouldn’t have felt the way we did in the first place. I’m sorry that I wasn’t upfront with you about what was troubling me, it wasn’t you at all and I didn’t know how to admit that I was troubled. I’m sorry that you felt hurt about what went down, nobody should be hurt like that not even me or you. And finally, I’m sorry... just in general. Whether you accept it or not, I just want you to know that I apologize for my role in all this.
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